Monday 12 July 2010


Evauation of Preliminary Task

We watched our clips as a class on YouTube and gave eachother evaluative comments

One of the strengths of our documentary was the cutaways, as they were inventive and linked well to what was said in the answers of the interviewee. Although out mise en scene was relevent to the documentary subject it was poor as it was only one picture. To inprove the mise en scene of the picture in the background the picture should be printed off many times to make a 'wallpaper'. The framing of out documentary was also a weakness as the eyeline of the interviewee should be around a third down the screen, ours wasn't. The levels on the music to speech ratio was not right as the music was too loud and the interviewee could not be heard. Our last strength was the questions, as they made sense without the question from the interviewer being heard.

To improve our interview it must follow the codes and conventions of a interviewee more carefully.

Thursday 8 July 2010

Adobe Premiere Screen Grabs

This is the clip speed and duration properties box. We used this to speed up our cutaways because some of them lasted too long to be classed as cutaways.

This is the razor tool, we used this to cut out the questions in our interview. This made the interview easier to create.

This is the set out and start point icons, this was used on the cutaways, it ensured only the cutaway was selected.

This is another screen capture of the monitor but with the cutaways being edited.

This is how the finished product looked on the time line. The cutaways are above and slightly overlapped so the interview ran smoothly.

We then added a song and lowered the volume so that the interview could be heard.
