That Thing – Lara Croft
A screenshot of a Lara Croft game
Type of Documentary – Mixed
- Phenomenon of Lara Croft
- Representation of Women
- Power of the media
- Influencing peoples thoughts about the representation of women.
Narrative structure
- Closed narrative structure
- Non linear
- Single strand
- left or right of the screen
- Eye line third of the way down the screen
- Close up/medium close up/big close up
- Low angle was used
Other sequences in the documentary
- The Barbie sequence was in extreme close up.
- Whips pans
- Tracking shot of the cyber cafe
- Extreme close up of keyboard and the screen.
- They use chroma key, chroma key is a green screen which is used in interviews to get a moving background. In the interview it is out of focus to not distract attention from the interview.
- Voiceover
Age 20’s
Someone who would of played the game when it came out.
- Cuts
- Interview of man on computer screen was filtered – he was the creator of the computer game so they put him in the computer
- Fast motion of man going up and downstairs in the cyber cafe.
Archive Material
- Tomb raider film
- Tombraider game
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